Arise Young Wolf

(C) Emily Holbert Kellam

Though great were they who disputed your claim
You defended ‘gainst many a lord
You are the true heir to the wild Northlands fair
And have proven your fate with your sword
Accept now the vows of your champions all
Be proud in their fame and renown
Stand bold in your hall, you who’ve conquered them all
And arise to take up your crown

Arise young wolf, arise young wolf
Take up the crown of the land
The crown of might afire with light
And the North star a jewel in its band

The Line of the North behind stretches far
The howls of the old wolves still ring
Now lift your head high, add your voice to their cry
And the young wolves shall echo their king
The pack is assembled to hunt once again
With a glorious future to win
In the red of your dawn you shall lead the pack on
As the banner to all the wolf-kin

Raise to your lady the trillium crown
The gems of the North all agleam
No gold or jewels fair could ever compare
To the beauty of Ealdormere’s queen
She’s the one who inspired the honor you’ve won
And now trusted to rule in your stead
She’s the mistress of grace and the patron of peace
She’s the flower to your bright field of red

Treasure the folk and the lands of the North
For their loyalty never shall tire
Whether rallied all in a great timber hall
Or gathered as friends round the fire
With you as our guide the north-folk shall rise
Listening well to the council you bring
The North Star shines now on the mightiest brow
And we’ll follow our newly crowned King

Waves on the Shore, Emily Holbert Kellam (2009)
The Bardic Kitchen Party #2: The Sing-alongs, Ealdormere Bardic College & Friends (2010)
Royal Progress, Hector of the Black Height
(2003) [music adaptation]